If I could this was how I would spend all my nights. Between music, books, drawings, comics and happily chatting with friends. That's what I'm talking about!
Thought this sketch was probably more like nightdreaming... I think I will re-work this into a illustration. It's begging to be improved and to have colour!
Is it possible someone fall in love with their own drawings?
this happens to me once in a while, and with this one was a hit! Can't wait to add colour and make it into an illustration.
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Daydreaming |
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release your inner spring |
this happens to me once in a while, and with this one was a hit! Can't wait to add colour and make it into an illustration.
This drawing has a very sad story. On the left is mini me, imagine me with my new red straw hat! Can you picture it? It was gorgeous! In my city it was this kind of park that had animals. Oddly enough some of them where monkeys. I went to see the monkeys, but either I got to close or the monkey was as curious as me. So he stole my red hat and ATE IT!! I was so sad.
The experience was so strong that for years I didn't where any kind of hat.
I remember this day... who would tell that after months of avoiding going to Lisbon (for various reasons) I actually would start to enjoy go there! I have this thing about crowds... I don't feel good around them, so I avoid them. But before that even started I actually enjoy my subway rides. Specially because it was perfect to sit or just stand still and watch people around me. Just watch people behaviour. It always helped me clean my mind.
Everyday I go to bed (and because it's always after midnight) I say to myself today I will wake up early. Yeah... about that most of the times it doesn't happen... (unless I have an appointment with someone, then I will rise and shine... but I fail if the appointment is just with myself).
Did you ever notice how most of the fruit nowadays as a brand?
Sometimes it seems that everything is branded. and that's a thought to think about more profoundly another time.
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childhood memories |
The experience was so strong that for years I didn't where any kind of hat.
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favourite thing |
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broken promises |
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fruit |
Sometimes it seems that everything is branded. and that's a thought to think about more profoundly another time.
Big versus small.
I've been feeling drawn into thread since I was little. I miss play with it. Maybe next month I will be able to do it. Either with embroidery or even sewing things.
thoughts about rings. some like bling, I just like it simple and plain (in black or wood).
Believe it or not, this is pretty much what I carry around most of the times, and that's why my bags have to be huge.
It's the bed where I sleep every day. It's the bed I have in my granny's house. And love all about it! The metal, the history, the fact it reminds me big summer holidays when I use to stay there for days and days. How couldn't I love it? The blanket it's actually in my bed and it reminds me my granny everyday!
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Big versus small.
I've been feeling drawn into thread since I was little. I miss play with it. Maybe next month I will be able to do it. Either with embroidery or even sewing things.
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thoughts about rings. some like bling, I just like it simple and plain (in black or wood).
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Today's #desculpashámuitas challenge theme is secret/secrets. So I decided to draw a few of my major obsessions - because they do part of my secrets!
And because today is valentines day, I though it was the right time to share again the illustration I did for Giggles!
Edit: I found this challenge over Ana LuÃsa blog - Doce para o meu Doce. I already knew Giggles (and thought it was awesome). In a heart bit I was sending them an email (it was the deadline for participating).
For me it was such a great challenge. I suck for romance, and romantic couples. But I don't draw enough couples.
One of my guilty pleasures is erotic illustration/comics (such as Manara among other names).
This was the perfect change to challenge myself into something a little bit more naughty! (Thought I made more nice than naughty).
I considered other paths when illustrating, but something that Ana LuÃsa said kept echoing in my head - she talked about how the GiggleSutra could be a couple way of experience things together in a playful way. This made me think that I wanted to focus on capturing a special moment, a me and you moment. An intimate moment but more than sexual, sexy and tender moment. I told you I was sucker for romance.
I also didn't wanted to go for the obvious colour scheme, but it had to have a touch of red. And since blue and red is my favourite combo for pretty much everything (for clothing to painting) it was the choice).
I wanted that the main focus would be the couple and how they look to each other, like there was no one else in the world.
Giggles is a awesome project and also super cute and unique! By the words of Ana LuÃsa and CÃntia (the compulsive dreamers behind this project) «Your life, your moments in one memory box where you creatively storage the pictures that mean the most for you or for the people you most care about. They come in a pretty accordion, and you can easily detach them thanks to the DIY carved perforations in the folds. All you have to do is upload them to us and let us send you back your box so that you can keep it, or share it.»
About the GiggleSutra:
«One simple day, two simple girls had the idea of transforming the Kamasutra into something that could make them Giggle. They had the will and the dream in their heads, but were lacking the artistic skills to bring the idea to life.
They felt sad... and decided the GiggleSutra dream would probably have to wait, because the "IF" monster kept showing up to stop their project from coming true.
One day, as a shinning night in a white horse, their friend Fernando Mendes asked why not seeing if there would be anyone out there in the forest that could help them do it. They dreamt about it at night and in the morning, the challenge was thrown to the entire kingdom. They needed 22 brave hearted knights, and as pure magic, they appeared.
The pictures you see here, represent that we are not alone in this world, and that united, we are stronger and capable of magical things. It happens to be a box with the illustrated Kamasutra inside, but it could be anything else. This box represents help, love and care. Represents entrepreneurship and crowd funding. Means that there are still beautiful amazing people in the world. You just have to lose your fear, and reach out for them.
Thank you to all of you who made this dream come true.
The Giggles team:
Ana Luisa and CÃntia;
Ana Castela
André Peixoto
Bruno Gomes
Carlos Pereira
Duarte Meirinho
Elsa Martins
Filipa Areias
Gonçalo Moleiro
Joana LÃrio
Laura Morais
Liliana Lourenço
Liliana Pereira
Live Sketching
Mafalda Fernandes
Margarida Madeira
Maria Santos
Mário Belém
Raquel Neves
Sofia Taboada
Susana Almeida
Tina Gomez
Vera Vinhas »
The photos below are from Giggles. You can check more of the GiggleSutra at her facebook page.
because today (like any other day) is a great day to share the love!!
E assim foi o mês de Janeiro, cheio de desenhos!
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Para seguirem diariamente os meus desenhos sigam-me na minha página do facebook ou no meu outro blog (onde partilho os desenhos dos meus diários gráficos)
001/365 | 002/365 | 003/365 | 004/365 | 005/365 | 006/365 | 007/365 | 008/365 | 009/365 | 010/365 | 011/365 012/365 | 013/365 | 014/365 | 015/365-022/365 | 023/365 | 024/365 | 025/365 | 026/365 | 027/365 - 028/365 | 029/365 - 030/365 | 031/365
Para seguirem diariamente os meus desenhos sigam-me na minha página do facebook ou no meu outro blog (onde partilho os desenhos dos meus diários gráficos)
This is not an accurate drawing of what I see from the window of my house. But it represents what I like most to see when I look at it. I also like blue sky and the sunset that often looks beautiful from my window. But nowadays what we have is grey sky and also like it (specially when I don't need to leave indoors).
This is my office window. Since the backyard cats found out that could look inside through the window they come visit me everyday!
For my my mother is someone that I look to when I need a piece of advice. Therefore for me, if I had to choose a word would be Wisdom. The perfect animal for wisdom is and owl. And to continue a past drawing (that I offer to my mother on a mother's day) that I called Wisdom Mother, with a Owl with a little owl. (it may be a cliché but for me it works a lot... oh and if you wonder I considered my father Father Bear, because he is big and cuddly - among other things.)
I love books, and I've missed books a lot! The pile of book I want to read is endless and grow faster than I read then. If wasn't for the Raquel Caldevilla and We blog you challenge I've might not think about books and spend the weekend reading a few. It was really worthy it. And now of to edit and post the others drawings, because I was so caught up with the reading that I didn't do much. But it was a good thing, because it helped clear my mind of the daily stress. Now back to the routine (or to my failed attempts to build one).
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what is under my umbrella? |
I do love old phones! I wish my grandma still had hers. It was beautiful and black. And for someone who doesn't like very much to be on the phone, it would be much more pleasing to be on the phone with a phone like this. Such saying!
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BE MINE said the squirrel |
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sketch \\ #desculpashámuitas #amarelo |
I've decided to join two challenges in one - #dailysketch with#desculpashámuitas launched by Raquel Caldevilla e We Blog You. Today's theme is #yellow. Therefore a yellow drawing.
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not the best photo of the final product \\ done with liquid watercolour, colour pencils and black marker |
phew, and if for moments I thought I wasn't going to do it, I did it! one drawing for each day of January! Theres is only 11 months left!! And I can't wait to draw each one of them.
You can see all the sketches here.