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Used kuretake bimoji extra fine tip, copics ciao (they were purple but look like grey in the background) black fine liner in 0.01 and white gel pen ( uni-ball signo) |
In the last few days, whenever I need a break from work I simple doodle something in these cards and voilá these are a few of the drawings that were born.
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I used kuretake bimoji extra fine, copic ciao R27 - Cadmium red and uni-ball signo in white |
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Used pentel brush pen, kuretake bimoji extra fine, copic ciao markers and uni ball signo white gel pen |
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Another #inktober drawing. This one was birthday gift for a friend. Done with kuretake bimoji brush pen, kuretake brush writer in light grey, ecoline (liquid watercolour) in scarlet, watercolour pencil in blue and black fine liner. |
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Finally catching up with #inktober again. Used pentel brush pen, black fine liner, white gel pen and copics |
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14th day of #intober - again in a Halloween spirit. Channelling my inner Wednesday Addams! Used Kuretake bimoji brush pen and Kuretake Brush Writer in Light Grey |
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Something different for 15th day of #inktober - Black Fine Liner, Kuretake Brush Writer in Grey and Copic. |
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Hello! This is the 16th day of #INKtober! I love to draw common objects - like vintage telephones. Used Kuretake Bimoji brush pen, Copics and Black Fine liner |
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17th day of #INKtober and I'm back to black and grey with Pentel Brush Pen, Copics and Kuretake Brush Writer in Light Grey |
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5th day Humm I feel Like I'm being watched.. | Used Pentel Brush Pen, Black Fineliner and Copic markers.and Kuretake Brush Writer in Light Grey |
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Walking in day 6th of #inktober still thinking about cosy clothes and sweater weather. Pentel brush pen, fine liner 0.01, Copic markers and Kuretake Brush Writer in Light Grey |
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8th day of #inktober ... Fall hasn't arrive here yet. We can still dress light skirts and short sleeves. Used Kuretake Bimoji and Copics Ciao - B12, RV21, E00 and E11. Drawing, look and pose inspired by @kittenhoods |
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9th day of #inktober today I'm into pastel plaid and flowers. Used kuretake bimoji brush pen and copic. |
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10th day of #inktober today only in black ink. Done with kuretake bimoji brush pen |
Last week INTober illustrations
More about Inktober here.
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5th day Humm I feel Like I'm being watched.. | Used Pentel Brush Pen, Black Fineliner and Copic markers.and Kuretake Brush Writer in Light Grey |
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Walking in day 6th of #inktober still thinking about cosy clothes and sweater weather. Pentel brush pen, fine liner 0.01, Copic markers and Kuretake Brush Writer in Light Grey |
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8th day of #inktober ... Fall hasn't arrive here yet. We can still dress light skirts and short sleeves. Used Kuretake Bimoji and Copics Ciao - B12, RV21, E00 and E11. Drawing, look and pose inspired by @kittenhoods |
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9th day of #inktober today I'm into pastel plaid and flowers. Used kuretake bimoji brush pen and copic. |
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10th day of #inktober today only in black ink. Done with kuretake bimoji brush pen |
Last week INTober illustrations
More about Inktober here.

Today I thought I would share some tools that I have been using in my drawings and illustrations. If this is something that interest you keep reading...
Could be a INKtober drawing, but it wasn't. Just a rant about a crazy monday.
My reaction to last Monday morning. I was expecting a quite and productive morning, instead there was noise, constant interruptions and no work done.
Pentel Brush Pen
Black Fine liner 0.1
Copic Ciao Markers
Could be a INKtober drawing, but it wasn't. Just a rant about a crazy monday.
My reaction to last Monday morning. I was expecting a quite and productive morning, instead there was noise, constant interruptions and no work done.
Pentel Brush Pen
Black Fine liner 0.1
Copic Ciao Markers
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1st day - Used Pentel Brush Pen, Uni pin Fine Line 0.1 and Copics |
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2nd day - Used Pentel Brush Pen, Uni pin Fine Line 0.1 and Copics |
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3rd day - Used Pentel Brush Pen, Uni pin Fine Line 0.1 and Copics |
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4th day - Used Pentel Brush Pen, Uni pin Fine Line 0.1 and Copics |
This month I decided to try something new and list a few of my favourites in a drawing format!
1) 2015/2016 Planner - Handmade by me (Nuts for Paper.)
I was trying a new product design and ended up to stay with the tester for me. It's a mix of book cloth (the red part) and pattern design paper with ladybugs and butterflies. Of course in my favourite colour combo - red and blue.
2) Messenger Bag (from Asos brand)
I both this bag in the beginning of summer, but only now I'm starting to use it. I love this style of bag. I just wish it was a little bigger so my computer could fit in.
3) Blue Baker's Twine (from Made in Paper)
I've stock up my Baker's Twine - at moment I have it in three shades of blue. If I find more blue shades I might feel tempted to add it to my "collection".
4) Copic Ciao Markers
I've been building on this collection of markers in the past months. At the moment I have 73 different shades and I'm very happy with it! and with the perspective of creating more original artwork with them.
5) Curls Curls Curls Curls
At last, after so many months of pushing it back, I went to my hairdresser and make curls. I feel like myself again!
6) Hobbit Day!! (22nd of September)
If you don't know what Hobbit Day, it's Bilbo and Frodo Baggins birthday! (Yes, I'm a huge nerd and fan for Tolkien books, and also Peter Jackson movie adaptation). With that in mind I've started to re-read The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring!!
7) New Pencils
This month I got a few new colour pencils. I hadn't use them for a few years, and I'm very excited to use them again.
8) and Fall/ Autumn is here!!
Cats + Books + Succulents (all I'm missing is the cats, although I can always draw them)
These drawings are for a custom order for Nuts for Paper planner.
A sketch of me in my happy little corner in my living room. This is were usually sit and work, but also spend endless hours on the internet (and sometimes even playing Sims 4).
I also read and draw in this spot. It can be messy, but I'm working on it.
And filled the first page with a drawing about it! It was also a comeback to paint with coloured pencils. And also a comeback of cartoonish self portraits in one of my most common outfits (my three shades of grey outfit - completely NOT related with any Shades of Grey book)
Este ano participei novamente com uma ilustração para o projecto Histórias de Ajudaris.
O texto que me calhou foi escrito pelos Alunos do 4ºB do Agrupamento de Escolas Marcelino Mesquita do Cartaxo - EB1 n.º 1 José Tagarro. O texto fala sobre sermos diferentes e sobre sermos amigos (apesar das diferenças que possamos ter.)
Podem encontrar a ilustração que fiz o ano passado aqui.
Em baixo a versão a linha. antes de colorida.
E a versão a lápis
Uma foto publicada por Mafalda Fernandes (@aoutramafalda) a
Drawings for Blogger's Camp Small Notebooks done by Nuts for Paper
And the final illustration.
You can see the final result on Nuts for Paper blog.
Eu prometi que vos vinha falar destes passarinhos especiais e o prometo é devido.
Achei que fazia mais sentido reservar um post inteirinho sobre este projecto, curiosos? Então continuem a ler!
I promised in the previous blog post that I would talk about these little special birds another time. And that time come. I thought to myself that this project deserved a whole blog post about it! Are you curious? Than keep on reading!
Estes cadernos A6 fazem parte dum conjunto de 20 cadernos encomendados pela Ana Ferreira.
O objectivo era criar uma pequena lembrança para amigos e familiares que anunciasse o nascimento da pequena Teresa!
These A6 notebooks do part of custom order made by Ana Ferreira. The goal of these 20 notebooks was to create a little gift for friends and family that at the same announce the new family member - Teresa.
A ilustração reúne duas paixões dos pais da pequena Teresa - pássaros e viagens! Em termos de cores a Ana deixou-me à vontade (só me pediu para que não fosse usado o tÃpico cor-de-rosa).
The illustrations gather passions from both parents - birds and travels! In terms of colours Ana gave me total freedom (she only ask me to don't use the typical pink).
Os cadernos foram cosidos à mão com linha azul (a condizer com o pássaro). O recheio é num papel mais grosso (120gr) que o habitual (80gr). E na primeira página foi acrescentada uma mensagem personalizada.
The notebooks we're hand sewn with blue line (in a similar tone of the bird). The inside paper is thicker (120gr) than usual (80gr). And in the first page was added a custom message announcing the arrival of the baby and thanking people for making part of their lives.
Quando faço impressões para cadernos não unitários tenho sempre o cuidado de fazer a mais, pois podem sempre acontecer acidentes durante o corte ou nos remates. Felizmente, desta vez, não houve nenhum percalço - e à última da hora quando estava a embalar os cadernos lembrei-me de fazer dois postais e dois marcadores de livros com as sobras (ou com as impressões de reserva ;) )
Digam-me nos comentários:
- o que acharam desta ideia de um caderninho para anunciar o nascimento de um bebé ?
- e o que acharam do resultado final.
Até breve!
Mafalda - NutsforPaper
When I print the covers for notebooks that are not one of a kind, I always print a few more, just in case some accident happen. Fortunately, this time, there were no accidents - and when I was packing the notebooks I had the idea of creating with the remain prints two postcards and two book markers.
Let me know in the comments:
- what do you think of the idea of having a notebook to announce a baby's birth?
- and your thoughts on the final result of this project.
O blog Nuts for Paper é escrito pela Mafalda (a outra mafalda), designer gráfica e ilustradora, mas acima de tudo uma sonhadora de idiotices (ideias), está sempre a pensar no que criar a seguir. Neste espaço ela gosta de partilhar novidades sobre este projeto e marca. \\ Nuts for Paper blog is written by Mafalda (a outra mafalda), graphic designer and illustrator, but above all a dreamer of ideas, she is always thinking what she can create next. In this space she likes to share news about what is happening in this project and brand.
Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest
Read more in my Illustration blog and in my Lifestyle Blog.
Para encomendar, esclarecerem dúvidas ou saberem mais sobre os pedidos personalizados basta enviarem-nos mensagem privada no Facebook ou então contactarem-nos por email \\ To order or ask about custom orders contact us through our Etsy Shop or email.