1. Fried Vegetables Chips (favourite snack) | Snack Vegetais fritos tipo batata frita
2. Leather Boots (recent purchased back in January) | Botas (compradas no mês anterior)
3. I fit in my old skinny pants (YEAH!) | Consigo vestir as minhas velhas skinny jeans outra vez!!
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look it's mini me!! |
4. His dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman (aka the most beautiful books in person that I got recently) | Trilogia escrita pelo Philip Pullman (ou seja alguns dos livros mais bonitos que vieram para as minhas estantes recentemente).
5. Tea - Earl Grey tea and Ginger and Orange Herbal tea | Chá - Earl Grey e Gengibre e Laranja
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The truth is out there | I want to believe | X-Files |
6. The X-Files (1st season, yes I know I'm late to the bandwagon). | A primeira temporada de X-Files (estou umas boas décadas atrasada nesta série, mas para mim foi a altura certa para a ver).
7. Petersburg Tales by Nikolai Gogol (these are short stories and are divided in 5 books, I only had one but I managed to find the other 4 for a really good price in local book outlet). | Histórias de Petersburgo escritas pelo Nikolai Gogol. São cinco pequenas histórias, nesta edição estão divididas em cinco livros. (editados pela AssÃrio e Alvim). Eu apenas tinha uma delas, mas consegui encontrar as outras quatro por excelente preço numa livraria outlet que abriu à uns meses na minha cidade.
8. My blog | o meu blog.
Tools used | Materiais usados
Sketchbook with 250g paper;
Copic Ciao Y02, YR23, RV14, V05, E11, E33, E35, B97, W-2, W-3;
Zig Kuretake Brush Writer in Carmine Red and Light Grey;
Kuretake Brush Marker in Medium and Fine;
Black Markers in 0.5 and 0.1;
White Gel Pen.
Um post rápido para partilhar estas ilustrações que vou transformar em pins e magnéticos - Livros, gatos, sapatos e ... conseguem adivinhar sobre o que são os que estão no topo do lado direito?
Quick post to share some of the illustrations that I'll be transforming in badges and magnetics - books, cats, shoes and... can you guess what those two at the top are related with?
Quick post to share some of the illustrations that I'll be transforming in badges and magnetics - books, cats, shoes and... can you guess what those two at the top are related with?
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ilustração inspirada na Joana do blog Jiji ❤ - feita em papel 250g com Kuretake zig Brush Writter Carmine Red, Light Blue, Light Grey e Grey, Kuretake Fine Marker e 0.01 Black Fine liner marker | illustration inspired by Joana from Jiji blog ❤ - done over 250g paper with the materials listed before. |
Uma pequena constipação tornou-se numa bola de neve, que rapidamente se tornou numa avalanche de tal forma que estive desaparecida de quase todo o mundo virtual durante 10 dias! Horários trocados, coisas programadas viradas do avesso, encomendas atrasadas, o coração aos saltos e o cérebro feito num oito. Como sair desta situação? Com muita calma e paciência (e chá que tenho bebido aos litros).
Trabalhar por conta própria e a partir de casa (apesar de ter o estúdio, o estúdio é num espaço que é como se fosse casa - podem saber mais sobre ele aqui) ensinou-me que tenho que estar pronta para os imprevistos. Sejam eles o que forem. E vocês devem saber há imprevistos todas as semanas (já para não dizer todos os dias!).
Detesto estar longe do blog, do facebook e do instagram, mas mais do que isso, detesto estar longe deste trabalho que adoro fazer.
Mas tudo isto para vos dizer que estou de volta e que pelo caminho juntei os meus blogs.
Há algumas semanas que andava a remoer no assunto de juntar blogs. É muito mais fácil de gerir um blog do que três ao mesmo tempo. Se acompanham a Nuts for Paper desde os seus primeiros passos já devem ter notado que por norma a minha vida pessoal não é muito falada. Pedi ajuda no grupo Let's blog about it (criado pelas mentes criativas e bloggers por detrás do Bloggers Camp - a Catarina, Catarina e a Ana) e se por um lado tinha quem achasse que devia juntar os blogues de ilustração e aqui Nuts for Paper e deixar a parte pessoal noutro há parte. Também havia quem achasse que os devia juntar todos. Gostei da primeira ideia. Juntar todos... tenho dúvidas, mas decidi experimentar. O que estão a achar?
Outra novidade é que fechei as mensagens no Facebook. Não estava a conseguir dar conta das mensagens que me chegavam por aquele meio. Por isso se tiverem alguma dúvida podem contactar-me para o email.
A little flu turned in such big thing that I've been MIA from the virtual world for more than 10 days. All my schedule gone crazy, programmed things gone wrong, some orders were delayed, I got nervous and with a serious brain meltdown. How to get out of this situation? Keep calm and be patience (and drink loads of tea too).
Work as freelancer and from home (yes I have a studio, but my studio is on my grandma's house, so it's home too) as taught me that I must be prepared for everything (be prepared, be prepared this lesson must be shared ♩ ♪ ♫ - if you know Hoodwinked animation film you know wich music I'm refering to, if not, you can check it here). Because unexpected things happen every week (and sometimes in every single day of the week).
I hate being away from the blog, facebook and instagram, and even more than that, I hate not being able to work in what I love the most.
But all this little rant to tell you that I'm back and on my way to coming back I merged all my blogs.
I've thinking about this for awhile now, and it's hard to keep with three different blogs at the same time. If you follow Nuts for Paper for some time now, you might have noticed that I don't share much of my personal life. I do part of blogging related group, and I asked them for their help in this situation. Some said keep your illustration and Nuts for Paper blog together and your more personal blog on the side, but others told me to but it all together. I liked the first idea, but wasn't sure about the second one... but, still, I decided to risk it and put all of them together here. You might find some things different. Feel welcome to explore. And let me know what's your thoughts about it!
Other new thing is that I closed Facebook messages on the Nuts for Paper page. I didn't feel that I was handling them properly. You can still contact me through Etsy message system or by email.
Last week (before I got sick and barely leave the house) I got some acrylic paints.
These are really tiny ink containers (20g) - below you can see the colours that I fell in love with. I also choose colours that could work with the acrylics that I already own.
On next night I thought it was time to try them and that was what I came up with.
Conclusion - it's been awhile since I paint with acrylics and watercolours, it's easier to use them when you use them regularly. Practice makes you know the medium that your using. For sure it's something to keep using.
Lately I've trying and playing a little with my watercolours. In this case I was trying to use some shadows. I messed up the face (and I'm not even mention the hands) but the sweater looks how I wanted it to look and I really like the typography message.
Not all drawings are a success but I'm ok with that. (or at least I should remind myself of that).