Sketchbook Friday 14 - 17/52

abril 27, 2018

Sketchbook Friday 14
Sinto que chegou a altura de voltar a desenhar-me. Ao mesmo tempo estou com alguma vontade de desenvolver duas personagens que criei no passado - Chubby o esquilo e Blue o pássaro da sabedoria.

It's time to re-learn to draw myself again. Also at the same time, I want to re-visit two characters that I created in the past - Chubby the squirrel and Blue the wisdom bird.

Sketchbook Friday 15/16 - What I wear on the street vs  what I like to wear at home
Sketchbook Friday 17
Outras páginas do meu diário gráfico.
Other pages of my sketchbook that I'm still working on. 

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