Carousel Unicorns
janeiro 19, 2015
#3 Week of the 52 Pattern Challenge
If you follow me on Instagram you might have seen some horse drawing I've done recently (I will share them very soon here too). I wanted to create something different from what I usually do.
So I started to play with colours and patterns. Then it crossed my mind one portuguese children song that I use to sing all the time about a little horse made of paper on a carousel and also one phrase that I've see very often on tumblr - Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn.
Yes my mind have misterious ways of working sometimes.
Instead of a regular carousel, I've created a mobile carousel with pink unicorns (because for some sort of reason I think the unicorns can be pink... I mean they are so awesome that they can be in any colour they wish!).
After that I've played a little bit more with colours and contrast, and choose three versions to share.
What's your thoughts about it?
and of course here is the unicorn!
Other Patterns in the Challenge can be checked in the INDEX
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